Acute respiratory infections, together with
malnutrition anddiarrheal disease, constitute the most common cause of illness
anddeath among children under five years age in developing countries.
Acute respiratory infection also become s the major
health problem inIndonesia. Host, environmental andsociocultural -related
variablesmay act independently or in concert with other variables to
influencethe incidence and severity of acute respiratory infection. Poor
housingconditions are associated with a wide rangeof healt h
condition,including respiratory infection.The aim of this article was to
compare the result of relationship between housing sanitation and acute
respiratoryinfection studies in three different areas,inPenjaringan Sari
RungkutDistrict, Surabaya (Yusuf, 2004), in Sidomulyo village Buduran district,
Sidoarjo (Suryanto. 2003) and in Tual Village Kei Kecil district,Southeast
Maluku (Toanubun, 2003).Thehousing variables include dventilation, dampness,
people density in house, natural lighting and temperature. Natural lighting
subvariable also gave significantdifference in two areas, Sidomulyo and
Penjaringan Sari.All of these studies had the same result in ventilation
variable and people density. Ventilation and people density were significanlyt associated
with acute respiratory infenction (Chi square, p <0.05).Dampness variable
had significant difference between Tual area andPenjaringan Sari, while in Sidomulyo
there was no significantdifference.Housing sanitation is important determinant
i n health,especially in acute respiratory infection among children under fiveyears
old. Improving housingsanitation is needed to reduce infectiousdisease.Keywords:
acute respiratory infection, children under five year s old,housing sanitation
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